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All Party Parliamentary Group on Air Pollution > Event  > Event: Why improved air quality will help deliver Net Zero

Event: Why improved air quality will help deliver Net Zero

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Air Pollution will be joined by Environment Minister Jo Churchill to discuss the importance of improving air quality while reaching Net Zero. Expert panellists will join the MPs and peers to ask the Minister questions.

Decreasing carbon emissions and cleaning up our air are two priorities which should work hand in hand. By devolving greater powers and resources to local Government, we can address both issues in harmony.

By attending this event, you will have the chance to:

  • Hear from the Environment Minister Jo Churchill about her priorities regarding air quality.
  • Ask questions to a panel about how to advocate for cleaner air, and raise any concerns.
  • Learn more about how policies on air quality can compliment, rather than contradict, policies on Net Zero.
  • Learn more about the role of devolving powers in achieving both cleaner air and reduced emissions.

RSVP here

Email ben.andrew@uk100.org for more information and questions.


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