You can help change legislation and let your politicians know that you care about air quality and ask them to #Act4CleanAir.
Below is an email ready for you to use, or adapt, to be sent to your MP. You can find their email address here:
Remember to add their name at the start and your address to the end before you send.
Well done for taking action and please encourage others to do the same (there’s a tweet below too)!
Amendments to the Environment Bill
Dear [Insert MP name],
As a constituent, I am writing to ask you to vote for changes in the law to ensure enforceable air quality limits to protect the health of our local children and adults.
Air pollution causes 40,000 early deaths at a cost of £20 billion each year according to the Royal College of Physicians. Meanwhile, people spend 90% of their time indoors and are exposed to harmful air-borne chemicals and The Royal College’s report on this makes a powerful case for indoor air quality to also be included in the Environment Bill.
The coroner’s verdict, that air pollution was a cause of the death of 9-year-old Ella Kissi-Debrah, underlines the need for these changes.
Therefore, I’m writing to you to ask you to add your name to and vote for Amendment 2 and New Clause 6 to the Environment Bill, supported by the All Party-Parliamentary Group on Air Pollution, which provide:
1. Legally-binding World Health Organisation air quality limits specified in the Bill of an annual average for PM2.5 (the smaller particulate) of 10 µg/m3 by 2030 at the latest.
2. A requirement that Government reports each year on how its departments and public authorities are improving air quality, including indoors.
Please advise me on how you will be voting on these two amendments which are crucial to protecting the future health of our communities.
Best wishes
[Add postcode]
Air pollution causes 40,000 early deaths a year. Guarantee air pollution limits for the UK in the Environment Bill. Keep our air clean.