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All Party Parliamentary Group on Air Pollution > Events and Meetings  > Register for the APPG’s November event

Register for the APPG’s November event

Air Pollution and Schools 

Zoom meeting Monday 2nd November 2-3 pm 

In light of evidence on the detrimental impacts of air pollution on children’s ability to learn, we will be exploring solutions to improve air quality and the role that schools, businesses as well as local and national authorities can all play.  The meeting will include presentations from:

  • Chris Large Co-Ceo, Global Action Plan 
  • Dr Luke Munford & Professor Martie Van Tongeren, University of Manchester 
  • Sheila Watson, Deputy Director of Environment and Research, FIA Foundation 
  • Gemma McHenry, Project Manager, Philips Foundation 
  • Steve Marsland, Head Teacher, Russell Scott Primary 


To join, register at:   https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zitDalVEQXWsq176E956lA

I’m looking forward to seeing you on Monday 2nd November at 2pm 

Geraint Davies MP 

Chair Air Pollution All Party Parliamentary Group 


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