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All Party Parliamentary Group on Air Pollution > Covid 19  > Submit evidence for Clean Air Exit Strategy

Submit evidence for Clean Air Exit Strategy

Dear members and supporters of the APPG on Air Pollution,

I hope you and your loved ones are well and staying safe.

A rare opportunity of the lockdown has been that air pollution has dropped and we want to see this sustained post-lockdown, as noted in my article for the Independent: https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/coronavirus-lockdown-uk-air-pollution-health-london-birmingham-a9481721.html

The risk is that once lockdown is lifted, more people may opt for personal private modes of transport in order to protect themselves from catching the virus, therefore increasing the levels of pollution.

We therefore would like to develop an Exit Strategy that can demonstrate how government, local authorities, businesses and individuals can adapt so that we reduce our pollution long term.

If you have evidence to submit then please email geraint.davies.mp@parliament.uk with the subject titleSubmit evidence for Clean Air Exit Strategy’ by Wednesday, May 6. Please submit as a document with references for any points or evidence given. Due to time restrictions evidence will not be sourced if not provided.

I look forward to reading your contributions.

Best wishes,

Geraint Davies


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